Welcome Sister!
Join us in Sacred Roots. I believe in the power of connecting with your roots and the earth. Our tribal-inspired approach to finding your inner goddess emphasizes both physical and spiritual wellness. With a wide variety workshops to choose from, you can explore the ancient teachings of the Sacred Goddess and rediscover your true self.
In this year's training I will take you on a journey through the Amazon and Africa. Back to our roots. Do you feel the power of mother earth? Are you ready for it? We live in a time where we are so far removed from our ancestors. That we have lost our essence. Are you ready to reconnect with yourself? ready to dance with your shadow? To bring a change to the world?
Een 7-daagse training plus 1 weekend die gericht is op vrouwen empowerment,
Self Love/Care en healing van de vrouw met Afrikaanse/Zuid Amerikaanse roots en vrouwen die zich ook hierin kunnen verbinden. Tijdens de jaartraining geef ik jou de tools and tricks om je weer te connecten met je Sacred Roots. Ook geef ik jou praktische tips, handvatten en maak ik gebruik van Afrikaanse/ Zuid Amerikaanse spiritualiteit.
*Maximaal 8 deelnemers per jaar